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Microsoft Access

We appreciate the many different learning styles that people have and so we offer face-to-face in-person instructor-led Courses as well as attending the course remotely using Microsoft Teams. Below are the Course Outlines detailing what is covered in each course and the Course Dates until the end of the year as well as a link to book yourself on a Course or contact me directly. Alternatively, teach yourself completely in your own time and pace by enrolling in the Online Classroom option for each course.

"The Essentials" Level 1

Attend a Training Course

Attend Remotely

You can attend this course remotely using MS Teams

OR Teach Yourself

Online Classroom

"Relationships, Queries & Report Design" Level 1

Attend a Training Course

Attend Remotely

You can attend this course remotely using MS Teams

OR Teach Yourself

Online Classroom

"Advanced Form Design" Level 3 

Level 2 is NOT a prerequisite to Level 3

Attend a Training Course

Attend Remotely

You can attend this course remotely using MS Teams

OR Teach Yourself

Online Classroom

Microsoft Access

"Hi Catherine, I'd just like to thank you for all of your help getting me through Access & the Microsoft Office Exam. Way back I thought I'd never get my head around Access but with determination and a of a lot of support from you, I did get there. My next mission with Access is to get my head around VBA. I had nothing better to do Sunday than read my notes (can you believe that !!) and I still found it interesting. Thanks once again Catherine. Having the best tutor in NZ definitely contributed to the grasp of Access that I have ..."Mike Purcell, Fletchers



DURATION: 8:30 AM to 1 PM

FACE-TO-FACE PRICE: $350+GST per person per course

REMOTE ATTENDANCE: $305+GST per person per course

CLASS SIZE: 5 (MAX) typically class is 2-3 people

QUALIFICATION: Certificate of Completion

TRAINER: Certified Microsoft Master Instructor


Needs Analysis and Skill Assessment

AFTER COURSE CARE: Unlimited free lifetime email support, courseware, key template, exercise files, quizzes and videos that match the course.


DURATION: 8:30 AM to 1 PM

FACE-TO-FACE PRICE: $350+GST per person per course

REMOTE ATTENDANCE: $305+GST per person per course

CLASS SIZE: 5 (MAX) typically class is 2-3 people

QUALIFICATION: Certificate of Completion

TRAINER: Certified Microsoft Master Instructor


Needs Analysis and Skill Assessment

AFTER COURSE CARE: Unlimited free lifetime email support, courseware, key template, exercise files, quizzes and videos that match the course.


EVENING CLASSES: Yes on request

WEEKEND CLASSES: Yes on request

PRIVATE TUITION:Yes on request

Request More Information


DURATION: 8:30 AM to 1 PM

FACE-TO-FACE PRICE: $350+GST per person per course

REMOTE ATTENDANCE: $305+GST per person per course

CLASS SIZE: 5 (MAX) typically class is 2-3 people

QUALIFICATION: Certificate of Completion

TRAINER: Certified Microsoft Master Instructor


Needs Analysis and Skill Assessment

AFTER COURSE CARE: Unlimited free lifetime email support, courseware, key template, exercise files, quizzes and videos that match the course.


Email Address*


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